List of All Blogger Error Codes

List of Blogger Error Code
Blogger / Blogspot will not show you a clear message to tell you about what the error that you are getting. So we have full list of identified Blogger error codes here in case you want to search for the errors on your sites.

IE9 Client Issue

This is a known IE9 issue which we’re working to resolve. In the meantime, please try another browser.
Error codes: bX-lcbzu1

Please login to Blogger

You need to be logged into your Google Account in order to acces the template designer.
Error codes: bX-c3vdgo

Blogger is undergoing maintenance

We’re sorting our a few issues related to a scheduled maintenance, and everything should be back to normal soon. Appreciate your patience in the meantime.
Error codes: bX-4xj2w2, bX-iwui0u, bX-kd9wlm, bX-nkxytx, bX-og3b97, bX-wojb5w

Temporary problem showing popular posts

We’ve identified a temporary problem rendering some blogs containing the popular posts widget. Our engineers are working on a fix and we hope to have things back to normal shortly.
Error codes: bX-t53evq bX-yjneov

Temporary Access Issue

Blogger engineers are currently diagnosing and responding to the problem that’s causing this error. Thanks for your patience.
Error codes: bX-qgkwqf

Parse Error in Simple Template Design

There is a bug in the Simple template that is preventing Edit HTML from working correctly. To fix this, you will need to change this line in the template:

<Variable name="body.background.override" description="Body Background Override" type="string" default="" value=""/>
Add spaces to the default and value attributes so that it looks like this:

<Variable name="body.background.override" description="Body Background Override" type="string" default=" " value=" "/>
For more information, please see the discussion in the Blogger Help Forum.
Error codes: bX-3t7tzx, bX-7jddhu

Publish Confirmation Exception

We’re aware of this error which is generated during publish confirmation, and are working to resolve it quickly. Although you are seeing this error, your post/comment should still publish to your blog.
Error codes: bX-ssciez

Post page comments error

Blogger engineers are currently diagnosing and responding to the problem that’s causing this error.
Error codes: bX-1x36wx

Label limit exceeded

Blogger currently allows a maximum of 20 labels per post, and 2000 unique labels per blog. To get rid of this message, you will have to correct the appropriate label counts.
Error codes: bX-q8mnbv

Comment Moderation Exception

Your blog is experiencing a known issue with comment moderation that the Blogger Team is currently investigating. You do not need to report this problem.
Error codes: bX-lhziiw

Invalid Layout Exception

Changes you may have made to the header/title widget (possibly for SEO) are conflicting with your template code. Removing these customizations should fix this error.
Error codes: bX-u01hr1

Invalid Layout Exception

You blog is experiencing a known error that we are currently investigating. For the latest updates on this bug, please see our Known Issues blog.
Thanks for your patience.
Error codes: bX-3d9atb, bX-6vix0l, bX-afo7e2, bX-mws9sr

Invalid Post Template

There was an error parsing your post template. Please go to Settings > Formatting to fix the Post Template HTML.
Error codes: bX-xovb7t

Known Issue

The Blogger team is aware of this error and is investigating.
Error codes: bX-pu7aaj

Widget Parsing Error

This blog is having problems due to internal errors rendering the blog gadgets. Blogger engineers are aware of the problem and are working on a solution.
Error codes: bX-r1ezpk

Image uploading unavailable

Image uploading is currently unavailable due to PicasaWeb maintenance.
Error codes: bX-bce8517c

Blogs Displaying Error Codes

This blog is currently inaccessible. Blogger engineers will be deploying a fix presently. We apologize for this interruption in service.
Error codes: bX-f87uq5, bX-kka0xf, bX-pq8xgs, bX-seep61, bX-tsvpgj, bX-uwdr66, bX-woam4u

XML Generation Error

There was an error generating this blog’s feed. Blogger engineers are aware of the issue and are working on it.
Error codes: bX-n3ff52, bX-volzpw

Gadget directory unavailable

We are experience some problems in our connection to the gadget directory. Gadgets will still show up on your blog but you will not be able to add or configure gadgets at this time.
Error codes: bX-ekwfjb, bX-ppqi9d

No Blog Admin Found

There was an error rendering this feed because this blog does not have any admins.
Error codes: bX-cf3xin, bX-xd3w84

Layouts Error

The Blog Lists widget is currently down. Blogger is aware of the problem and is looking into it.
Error codes: bX-e441ek

Missing Blog Creator

An error occurred rendering this feed. Blogger is aware of the problem and is looking into it.
Error codes: bX-391dlh, bX-z8kqgm

Blog*Spot Error

This blog is currently inaccessible. Blogger engineers will be deploying a fix presently. We apologize for this interruption in service.
Error codes: bX-uxu3fu

Error with America / Caracas time zone

Due to recent changes with the America / Caracas time zone, Blogger is unable to display your blog or change time zone settings. We are working on a fix.
Error codes: bX-acffys, bX-cldfi1, bX-cviw8s, bX-rh26vj

Error Processing Your Request

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to perform this action, but we’re investigating the problem and working on a fix. For further updates, please see Blogger Status.
Error codes: bX-tgu0qs

Error uploading your photo

There was a temporary error uploading your photo. Please try again in a few minutes.
Error codes: bX-i54acw

Photo Uploading Unavailable

Blogger photo uploading is currently down. Our engineers are working on the situation.
Error codes: bX-9pjt6o

Invalid Template Code

Please ensure that all page elements (e.g. b:widget) are in between thetags of your template code.
Error codes: bX-ji78k6, bX-xu1zoq

This blog has invalid template code

If this is your blog, please look through your template code (Template > Edit HTML tab) and search for any code referencing “post.url.” This code must not exist outside of your post widget, so please remove any code referencing “post.url,” unless it is in your post widget.
Error codes: bX-pohgdk, bX-xjlu2f

Unable to Delete Blog

We are working on resolving this issue. Updates will be posted in the Help group.
Error codes: bX-btoxyn, bX-tkcah7

Unable to upload image

We are aware of this problem and currently working on a fix.
Error codes: bX-5tdd1p, bX-6tj0s5, bX-6tnmaz, bX-7mplh0, bX-l28v5z, bX-ltlqzv, bX-n4mon3, bX-nsm4vm, bX-pvq71c, bX-qeihpe, bX-ujue70

Profile Image Error

One of the members of this blog has a problem with their profile image, which is preventing this page from being displayed properly. Please have each member check their profile to make sure their picture is displaying correctly. If it isn’t, they can remove it or add a new one to solve this problem.
Error codes: bX-2f00qm

Unable to update profile

We are aware of this issue and working on a fix.
Error codes: bX-dw5843

This Blog Cannot Be Displayed

If you are the owner of this blog, please go to the Settings | Archiving tab and enable Post Pages.
Error codes: bX-5j5nhh

Unable to display NavBar

Please try again.
Error codes: bX-dalets

Profile Image Problem

There is a problem with your profile image that is preventing this page from being displayed. We are aware of the problem and working on a fix.
Error codes: bX-2f00qm, bX-tlsikm

There was a temporary error

Please wait a few minutes and see if your updates were successful. If not, please try again.
Error codes: bX-677pki, bX-geqofh, bX-lsioy8, bX-napiw5, bX-qa45xg

Unable to edit poll

We are aware of this issue and currently working on a fix. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can remove the poll’s code from your Template > Edit HTML tab, which will delete the problematic poll from your blog.
Error codes: bX-lw8mpb, bX-prxtbp

Unable to display this post page

This blog has disabled post page archiving, so this URL can no longer display. If this is your blog, please enable post page archiving on the Settings > Archiving tab (select “Yes” for the “Enable post pages?” option) to rectify this problem.
Error codes: bX-5j5nhh, bX-x7mp8t

There was an error.

Please try again later.
Error codes: bX-gfz536

Error with “Japanese (Japan, JP)” language setting

Your blog cannot be displayed because of a language setting error. Please visit your blog’s settings page and change the language from “Japanese (Japan, JP)” to “Japanese (Japan).”
Error codes: bX-6gfpx3

Language Setting Error

We are currently unable to display this blog. If you are the blog owner, you can fix the error as follows:
  1. Go to the Settings > Formatting tab for this blog.
  2. Change the Language setting to a different language.
  3. Click the “Save” button.
  4. Change the Language setting back to your desired language.
  5. Click the “Save” button again.
Error codes: bX-w0b81c

Video Processing Error

This blog cannot be displayed due to a video processing error. Please remove the

<object ...>
tag from your latest post that contains an uploaded video.
Error codes: bX-kewlk9

Post Editor Error

The post editor is trying to display too many posts. Please add

to the end of the URL where you encounter this error, to change the number of posts displayed by the blog’s post editor.
Error codes: bX-2bdp09

We are unable to save your template

We are aware of this issue (caused by outdated AdSense code) and are currently working on a fix. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can add the following line of code into each ad code snippet, directly after the google_ad_client label:

Thank you for your patience.
Error codes: bX-idlp73, bX-o0zoa0, bX-pgtif7, bX-r1buvw, bX-rthuiq

Comment Link Error

The comment link you have followed appears to be incorrect or outdated. This could be due to the blog in question being deleted or having incorrect template code for the comment links.
Error codes: bX-hqxd1g

Unable to Upload Image

Please try again in a few minutes.
Error codes: bX-mtwwdi, bX-rxaqrt

Blogger search is not working

Blogger search is currently broken. Engineers have identified the problem and will be deploying a solution presently. In the meantime, we suggest using Google Blog Search to find what you’re looking for.
Error codes: bX-37qik4, bX-7s15tm, bX-lzkkhl

Login Validation Error

Your username and password are correct but Blogger had an internal error validating your login. Please try to login again.
Error codes: bX-2v7ys6, bX-xt3xtp

Multiple spam blogs

This error occurs because you have more than one blog that has been marked by our automated spam-prevention system as potentially spam. We apologize if this is preventing you from accessing your blogs.
Error codes: bX-mq2of1

Photo uploading is temporarily not working

This should be fixed in half an hour. Please try again later.
Error codes: bX-7auoq8

Secret error for clever people

Move along. Nothing to see here.
Error codes: bX-resilr

Comment notification error

Your comment has been posted to this blog, but we were unable to send a notification email to the blog’s owner. We apologize for this error.
Error codes: bX-1zu2vy

Could not upload image

Blogger is currently unable to upload your images to this blog. We are working on resolving this problem as soon as possible. Please see Blogger Status for more information and updates on this issue.
Error codes: bX-gcdngf

Cannot edit domain hosting settings

Due to Blogger maintenance, custom domain hosting settings are currently not modifiable. Please try again in 1 hour.
Error codes: bX-1us3c3, bX-4qmsfw, bX-ftexlv, bX-kayz6v, bX-prdd9n

Template tag error

Blogger engineers are currently looking into the source of this error and will fix it presently.
Error codes: bX-sp4hmm

Blog Cannot Be Displayed

The owner of this blog has deleted his/her account, and this blog is no longer available.
Error codes: bX-aw21o0

Missing URL Setting

Your blog does not have a homepage URL. Please go back, click “Settings,” then “Publishing,” and enter the correct address for your blog in the URL setting. Then come back and try posting again.
Error codes: bX-rfg2oe

Error Emailing Post

Blogger is unable to email this post to the recipient, due to a problem with the BlogSend setting. Please check this setting under the Settings > Email tab and ensure that it contains a single, correctly formatted email address.
Error codes: bX-h94xv

This profile cannot be displayed

If this is your profile, please log in and check your profile settings. If you have entered a username for an IM service, please ensure that you have also selected the specific IM service corresponding with the username.
Error codes: bX-9w7qz9, bX-blo1ut, bX-jp3d1, bX-la6m4o, bX-pn0dtw, bX-v2vqfh

Error completing action

There was a transient error in completing this action. Please try to click back or otherwise repeat what you were doing. It will likely work a second time.
Error codes: bX-2o3sed, bX-45y3w1

Error loading user information

Blogger has experienced a transient error. Please wait a few seconds and then reload this page.
Error codes: bX-ot8any

Invalid Post Template HTML

Your post template contains invalid html. This typically means <script> tags. You can get rid of this error by either removing the post template altogether or by editing it on Settings > Formatting > Post Template.
Error codes: bbX-lgwej, bX-3r3ejc, bX-5d69vr, bX-85oi4e, bX-d7il0a, bX-gbdnj4, bX-irbo2k, bX-l96j2, bX-l9xjx9, bX-mzm63b, bX-obv7m3, bX-t0ou3g, bX-xetjcr, bX-yvq86z

Error saving editor preferences

We experienced a transient error saving your preferences. Please click the back button in your browser and try again.
Error codes: bX-gi5hu8

Error uploading to

This error comes from uploading an image to
Please login through and update any bookmarks you have to change to
Error codes: bX-68tbuv, bX-yvtdin

Test Error

This error code signifies a test error from a Blogger engineer.
Error codes: bX-rr85sd

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